Hello! I am the author of four children's books featuring local wildlife, with more in the works.
I do copywriting, most recently for the Mandai group, including Bird Paradise, and Otah and Friends.
I share parenting stuff on my YouTube channel.
I was formerly a teacher, and I keep in touch with that side of things by giving talks and conducting workshops on writing techniques and Singapore's biodiversity. I also organise events to promote a love of nature.
Order signed copies of my books or get in touch by dropping me an email!
Here's the latest video on my YouTube channel!
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"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." - Proverbs 16:9
My youth was full of drama.
High: Winning the Singapore Young Dramatist Award
for a double bill of plays I wrote about murder by poison.
Low: Acting as a sea sponge in a blacklight theatre-puppetry-mime disaster.
At 17, I went to Canada on a United World College scholarship.
My school had 200 students from 88 countries.
High: Presenting "The History of Singapore in Just 5 Minutes" - an amusing skit with a real Malay playing a villager in Temasek, a real Brit playing Raffles, real Japanese students playing Japanese soldiers, and a dude from Kenya playing Sang Nila Utama.
Special mentions: A play I wrote about an estranged family entitled "Moving House" was one of 6 winners at the Vancouver Island Young Playwrights' Festival and was staged with young actors and a professional director. That felt pretty cool. I also received a Media Development Authority National Scriptwriting Competition Merit Award, which felt like a consolation prize because it was. But there was a bit of money given, which became the budget for "The Beautiful Game", an unforgettably fun short film about the parallels between football and dating I made with my international schoolmates.
Low: That time my Chechen roommate yelled, "You hurt me worse than the Russians!"
I majored in Film and Video Production at the University of Southern California.
High: A prof I respect said my kungfu short was the manliest film in the class.
Low: Crashing a golf cart at the Universal Studios backlot where I interned.
Spent a few years working in media-related gigs.
High: A year as a VFX production coordinator in London. Love that city.
Low: Screenwriting in Hong Kong was great, but I lived in a matchbox flat with no kitchen. I cooked with a hotpot on top of the toilet bowl and washed my dishes in the shower.
Switched careers and taught English and Literature.
High: Explaining Shakespeare's dirty jokes.
Low: Room inspections as boarding mistress at a boys' school. Smells you cannot imagine.
Now a full-time wife and mum. Writing and speaking on the side.
High: "The Most Irritating Person in the World (Self-Proclaimed)" transformed into
"Husband of the Year" over 20 hours of labour. Baby E, future philosopher and astronaut clown, was thus born. Doctor was so baller that she delivered E while wearing home clothes and slippers, then thanked me for not pooping on her. Epidural FTW.
Special mention: The second Baby E was born in a completely painless labour (epidural FTW). The only thing more incredible than how much hair she has is how self-sufficient and cheerful she is. The irritating husband and I are truly blessed.
Low: When the dog had diarrhoea in the house.
But all this is old news! Follow me on Instagram for regular updates.
My feed is below.